Skills & Development

To understand me I believe it is important to know a bit of my history. I am a mature student in the middle of switching careers. I come from a background in Technical Sales and Project Management in the Industrial Equipment markets, where I spent over 15 years. However, due to the downturn in the economy my previous Technical Sales position came to an abrupt end.

I have decided to take this time as an opportunity instead of a hardship. I believe that with the combination of my skills that I have developed through my Technical Sales Positions and the new skills that I am learning through my new education venture I will be an asset to any company or institution.

Please take the time to review my skills and abilities below and also visit the Work and School Samples page to see some of my achievements I have made.




Communication/Interpersonal Skills

Presenting 10-15 years Experience in presenting in large and small groups from short presentations to longer sessions of up two hours.
Writing 10-15 years Experience writing various communications from proposals to simple and complex correspondence.
Relationship Building 10-15 years My background has been all about creating strong relationships with individuals from all walks of life.

Organizing/Planning Skills

Prioritize 10-15 years In my background prioritizing was always the key. There were always various tasks and projects that had to have different priority levels.
Design 10-15 years Designing a plan I believe is the key to success. Without a plan you don't know what direction you are heading.
Time Detailed 10-15 years Results are based on time; even using estimations can make people more efficient and effective.

Research Investigative Skills

Collect Data 10-15 years Through my career gathering information on products, services were a key part to my profession.
Collaborate 10-15 years Another very important part of research is collaborating with other, experienced people to come up with various options.
Evaluate Options 10-15 years Lastly after collecting the information and collaborating with various people coming to a final decision from evaluating options is the next step.

Management/Leadership Skills

Managing 3-5 years I have managed many projects, people, problems and solutions throughout my career and life.
Delegating 3-5 years I have always been excellent at delegating and managing delegation, as individuals cannot do everything and utilizing peoples various skills is key.
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